What is Good Gum?
Good gum is a new way to energize you. We have packed a bunch of active ingredients into a chewing gum.

What are the ingredients of Good Gum?
Main ingredients include Caffeine, Vitamins B3, B6 and B12 and Xylitol for great taste. The gums are Vegan.

How much Caffeine does a piece of Good Gum contain?
100 milligrams, which is roughly the same amount as in a large cup of coffee or an energy drink.

What are the benefits of Good Gum compared to Energy Drinks?
Since the active ingredients are absorbed through the mouth instead of through your stomach the release or kick if you will come a lot quicker. Chewing a piece of Good Gum will make you extra focused and energized in about 5-10 minutes instead of around 40-45 minutes for the same effect through a beverage.

Who is behind Good Gum?
AB Svensk Vitaminindustri is the company behind Good Gum. We are a very small independent company that have put pretty much all of our time energy and mortgages into Good Gum. Wish us luck:-)

Is Good Gum degradable?
No, please recycle as instructed.

I can’t find Good Gum at my local store, what do I do?
Send us an e-mail and we will sort you out or better yet, talk to the shopkeeper and have him contact us, we would be forever greateful.

Is Good Gum something anyone can consume?
No, during pregnancy or breastfeeding Good Gum should be avoided. Children should also wait to consume caffeinated products.

Are there any other benefits to chewing Good Gum?
A very nice breath for starters. By chewing gum, you actually oxygenate your brain by a couple of percent, and as you all know a couple of percent might make all the difference.